Richa Sharma, a former Journalist is now an anthropologist and a social worker. After having a successful career with India’s leading News channel as a Correspondent, she started OFFDHOOK to satiate her desire for storytelling. Her inclination towards the development sector made her switch to a completely different profession and now she works as a communication professional for NGOs and CSRs. She is woman who wears different hats and can work as a one – woman army during crisis.
She has a Bachelors degree in Journalism from Delhi University and her learner’s spirit has driven her to Masters in Anthropology to gain a deeper understanding of certain underlying questions of mankind.
Being an Anthropologist she loves to read human minds and their needs. It is the holistic science which helps her in decoding the most difficult questions of humankind. Reaching out to the unreached gives her high and contentment which is difficult to describe.
In her words she says that “Three years back I got my calling and I happily threw myself in the world where difficulties and hardships are part of one’s life. I saw pain, sufferings, struggle on the smiling faces telling me bang on that this is ‘The Real World’. This is the place where I belong; this is the situation which needs my attention”
Her curiosity to know about what people think in a variety of social and cultural contexts, she has written well – researched papers on STRESS AMONG WOMEN IN MEDIA, MEDIA’S PROJECTION OF INDIAN EUNUCHS AND DELHI’S DYING PARSI COMMUNITY.